How to protect the interior of the car from the sun? Common options: tinting film, curtains, sunshade

How to protect the interior of the car from the sun? Common options: tinting film, curtains, sunshade

How to protect the interior from the sun

Sunlight has a very negative effect on the interior of the car; elements made of plastic are the most affected. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, they burn out and become fragile. Therefore, many car owners are thinking about ways to protect the interior from the sun.

Popular methods and their features

One of the most common and effective methods - window tinting film. It blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation, which helps to extend the life of the interior elements without affecting the quality of the observation: there are completely clear tinting film on the market. They are convenient and do not disturb during driving, as at the same time they provide mechanical protection of the car windows. You can order such films by contacting our company. In addition, we offer a wide range of patterns for car exterior and interior, designed for quick and precise cutting process.

Often, special curtains are also used, which are drawn up on sunny days. They are usually attached by suction pads directly to the surface of the glass. Among the disadvantages of curtains is the fact that they can be used on the windshield only when the car is parked. Otherwise, they will interfere with the view while driving. Moreover, they are likely to interest police inspectors, who may issue a fine for using such products. Also on the curtains over time accumulates a lot of dust.

A sunshade is commonly used. Its main advantage is to provide protection from the sun not only to the interior, but also to the entire body of the car. However, like the curtains, you cannot use the sunshade all the time. It needs to cover the car every time it is parked. This process is very time consuming. In addition, sunshade takes up useful space of your trunk space. Also, it gets dirty quickly and needs to be washed regularly.

Our company offers car interior patterns for a wide variety of models and brands. We have patterns for Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, etc.

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